We may not think that we’re so closely tied to the rhythms of nature in our highly urbanised modern societies, but with the short days and colder temperatures, our bodies naturally respond to the patterns that govern all life. To help ease the change, we have put together our winter wellness tips to get you ready for the colder months and help keep your health in check.

  1. Consider taking a vitamin D supplement. We get most of our vitamin D from the sun, so when there’s less daylight, your body produces less vitamin D – which could leave you with less than the recommended intake. If you find you are not getting outside much, getting your vitamin D through a supplement such as Adult Multivitamin can help boost your supply.
  2.  Get yourself ready for shorter days. Listen to your body. The amount of light has an effect on your circadian rhythms, the natural cycle of waking and sleep and other bodily functions. Longer periods of darkness = longer periods of sleep!
  3. Moisturise your skin. Cold weather can seriously dry out your skin – and sunscreen especially if you’re hitting the ski fields – remains a must. The Modere Skin Care range will help ensure your skin is hydrated in the cooler months
  4. Support your immune system. You can do this by drinking plenty of water, washing your hands often to prevent sickness, and eating nutritious foods. Taking Modere’s nutritionals such as Mineral Solutions, Adult Multivitamin or Cell Protect can also help assist in protecting you from the effects of winter colds and flus.
  5.  Stay active! It can be easy to just sit around all the time, but it’s important to get in some movement throughout the day. Winter sees the weather turn colder and wetter, so consider exercise that you can do inside. Try Yoga or Pilates, perhaps even a dance class to keep your body moving!
  6.  Buy in-season food. Winter brings its own special delights to the fresh food arena – beets, mushrooms, cabbage, leeks, carrots, kale, pumpkin, squash, root vegetables and dark leafy greens are all great choices.
  7.  Do some ‘spring cleaning’. It’s a season of change and you’re more likely to spend time indoors, so why not change your living environment? Clean out your cupboards, organise your living spaces, and rid yourself of things you don’t need in the new year.
  8.  Get some books to read and shows to watch. Okay, we admit that grey skies are a great reason to curl up on the couch with a good book or to watch a movie on the TV. Relaxing and exercising your mind are important to!
  9.  Keep a schedule. The cold months can seem to drag on and push us into isolation. Stay on track by scheduling time in your day to do things you like to do. When weather permits, taking a 20 minute walk can also boost your mood.
  10. Be kind to yourself. The colder weather can cause weight gain, the shorter days can cause low mood, and there’s the ever present cold and flu. If illness strikes, rest, recuperate and don’t spread the germs around!