Staying fit in the winter months can be a real challenge. When it is cold outside and there is very little daylight outside of working hours, it is very tempting to snuggle on your couch or find comfort in a warm cozy café. Continuing to exercise even when you don’t feel like it is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so summon that inner strength, and follow the guide!
1. Change your mindset
Instead of seeing exercising as a chore, see it for what it is: doing yourself a favour. Exercise shouldn’t be something you are dreading otherwise you won’t keep it up in the long-run. So make it fun! And if exercise isn’t really your thing, just try to move a little more than you would normally: go for a walk in the woods, play with your dog, run after the kids…keep moving is the key!
2. Remember why you are doing it
The winter months are prone to nasty bugs keeping you in bed for days and making you feel sluggish for weeks. Regular exercise helps you build a stronger immune system that will help you stay healthy during winter. It is also a well-known fact that exercising releases endorphins, which will help you keep those winter blues at bay.
3. Turn up the music
There is nothing more boring than running on the treadmill in silence. Try to spice things up with an awesome playlist and only listen to it while exercising: you will link exercising with this little splurge, which should motivate you to go to the gym or run outside. Singing along is permitted.
4. It’s more fun with a friend
It’s easier to get out of the house if you have a good reason to face the bad weather. The reward could simply be meeting a good friend at the gym. Going to the gym would then be the opportunity to catch up and this is definitely something to look forward to. Having a gym buddy will also keep you motivated. You’ll be far less inclined to cancel a workout if you’re letting someone else down.
5. Do something different
Sometimes the lack of motivation comes from boredom. You know the exercises by heart or it is not challenging anymore. And you are thus less and less inclined to go to your class or work out session. Why not get out of your comfort zone and try something new? Take this boxing class you were always too shy to go to or sign up to the yoga class your friend has told you about. You may regain some motivation and it will boost your self-esteem at the same time!