Things to Help you Feel Better Now

Everyone has down days. Even Beyoncé. It’s okay not to feel okay. If you recognise you are feeling down, congratulations that’s the first step – knowing you don’t feel good. The second step is how to make a change so you feel better. Some changes such as starting an exercise regime, making changes to your diet, or even calling a friend to talk, may take a while to yield a noticeable result. But here are things you can do immediately to improve your mood.

Sight: Looking out the window at a grey sky or noticing what you think is an imperfection when you look in the mirror can make you feel low. There is no way of denying it; the internet is full of bad news and trolls, but it does have an abundance of something that is pure and joyful – cat pics! If you do a quick search online there is a plethora of videos of cats being their cute selves, cat memes and jokes. If cats aren’t your thing look for something else that will make you smile, a comedy sketch, a cartoon from childhood, goats screaming, Darwin Awards…stay away from the news sites and Reddit and use the internet for good.

Smell: Scent has the power to uplift. For some quick DIY aromatherapy spritz on some of your favourite perfume. If you don’t have any perfume at hand, peel an orange or a lemon and the refreshing aroma will be released into the air. Alternatively chop some fresh mint and drop leaves into steaming water for an invigorating scent.

Taste: Give yourself a treat but for maximum feel good vibes, choose something that has health benefits for your body. Modere Sync, cold with milk or with hot water for a hot chocolate is a delicious, satiating treat with 100% plant-derived mixture of soluble and insoluble fibres that is only 35 calories when mixed with water. Alternatively, the sweet sharp taste of fruit such as a sliced apple can ground you while providing vitamins and nutrients. Tea is truly a magical elixir, never underestimate the power of a cuppa.

Hearing: Don’t underestimate the power of music. Put on your favourite song, turn it up loud (wear headphones if you are on public transport) and if you feel the beat, allow yourself to move to it (maybe just nod your head if in public). If it’s a situation that music won’t work, like every song reminds you of your lost love or your anxiety syncs with the beats, then try listening to a podcast, soothing sounds, waves crashing on the shore, chanting, singing bowls or a forest soundscape can help you shut out any noise around you and help you relax.

Touch: If a friend or pet isn’t available for a reassuring hug you can still use the power of your own healing hands. Applying cream to your body is an act of love and self-care. You can slather yourself in Modere Body Butter, to give your skin a luxuriously silky feel and a comforting smell. If you can’t strip off to treat all your skin, taking a minute to apply it just to the hands is enough to feel benefits

Breath: You always have time to stop and take a deep calming breath. First blow out all the stress from your lungs, then slowly inhale through your nose, allowing your diaphragm and stomach to expand before exhaling through your mouth

And remember when life handed Beyoncé lemons she made the Lemonade album.