Modere 5-Day Cleanse: This is How to Reboot Your Metabolism and Cleanse Your Body

Doing a quick and effective cleanse every once in a while, is a great way to reboot your metabolism for renewed energy, supported digestion, boosted nutrition and an all-round healthy glow.

This can be done as a standalone cleanse for a quick pick me up or can be a great way to start or restart your Body Transformation journey.

Our 5-Day Cleanse includes a selection of clean, science-backed products, a 5-day meal plan and some tips and tricks on getting the most out of this experience.

You can expect the following benefits from our 5-Day Cleanse:

  • Energy improvement without caffeine
  • Balanced digestion
  • A healthy glow
  • Potential weight reduction

This article is a starting point regarding our 5-Day Cleanse collections and products within, shopping the 5-Day Cleanse gets you a detailed guide with the following steps to fully support you on your wellness journey! Discover our 5-Day Cleanse collections here!

Discover Our Collections

Amongst our collections, there are the following products that remain part of every collection.

Modere Aloe Vera: This is your digestive companion, the one that will keep your tummy ticking throughout your cleanse. Not only does it make you feel balanced and regular with its blend of pure aloe vera gel, botanical tea extracts, honey, and pear it also keeps you hydrated thanks to the electrolytes it provides and helps boost support your immunity.

Modere Mineral Solutions: During the 5-day cleanse, you need to make sure you’re topping up on your essential minerals. This ionic suspension includes a blend of essential minerals and

B-vitamins, as well as amino acids and phytochemicals that your body can easily digest to boost your body.

Modere Axis™ PhytoGreens: This is the green one. The one that’ll get you reaching your veggie goals. Containing some of the world’s most potent greens, it delivers 9 highly bioavailable and concentrated bioactive ingredients, including marine and leafy greens to boost your nutrition and support your diet throughout the cleanse.

Then, between the 3 collections, you’ll find different supplementary products to meet different needs.


Modere Protozymes:

This is your friendly bacteria, the one that’ll keep your gut smiling. Each capsule contains 2.88 billion± live cells, which help crowd out harmful bacteria in the digestive tract to help restore balance in your gut.


Modere Axis™ TreBiotic:

Upgrade your friendly bacteria to this power house delivering 10 billion cells per serving. OurMicrobiome Matrix™ contains 3 highly studied, acid-resistant bacteria strains, plus GOS, a food source that friendly bacteria need to survive as well as providing EpiCor®, a whole-food fermentate.


Modere Axis™ PhytoReds:

Add PhytoReds to your cleanse on top of PhytoGreens to benefit from 13 highly bioavailable and concentrated bioactive superfoods, including potent vegetable and fruits, which support your heath and provide a balanced diet.

For more information on each of the products you can head to or

Suggested Meal Plan

Then, you’ll receive a meal plan with food and portion guide and meal ideas. The meals combined with our Modere nutritional supplements are meant to kick-start your metabolism. This helps you get inspired and personalise the meal plan to your own tastes and preferences.

Track Your Results

Next, you’ll find a helpful tracker to allow you to keep note of the changes you might notice over the course of your 5-day cleanse. This includes Wellbeing and Physical Changes for a holistic and balanced experience.

What’s Next?

At the end of your Modere 5-Day Cleanse, you might be wondering, what’s next?

That will all depend on your own personal objectives.

Which one is yours?

  1. My aim is to continue transforming my body with a weight management programme

Now that your body is cleansed and ready, get started on the next step of your weight management journey with our Body Transformation System Programme. It includes a nutritional plan, recipes, fitness routines, tracking tools and our exclusive collection of scientifically designed products that support energy expenditure, promote weight control, metabolise fat and help the liver cleanse the body** for a total body transformation experience.

  1. I want to continue optimising my health everyday

Optimal Nutrition can mean something different for everyone, which is why we offer a range of different nutritional products you can choose from to create the core nutrition pack that best suits your lifestyle and health goals. You’re in charge of your health! Shop our Nutritional products here!

  1. I’m satisfied with my results and wish to repeat this periodically

The 5-day cleanse isn’t just a one-time thing. Think about including it into your routine periodically. Once a month, once a quarter. Whichever suits your goals.